Lessons Learned

After the mistake

So I made a poor choice. Well I made a lot of poor choices. Actually, I make a lot of poor choices everyday. But that’s how we learn, right? I wish it was that easy to admit! Sometimes I struggle with being able to move on from the fact that I am completely and utterly an imperfect human being! That is okay! I am sure you are the same way. Welcome to the totally fantastic imperfect club. I think it’s time we celebrate it! Celebrate being imperfect! I can get so caught up with the fact that I am not perfect this very second that I lose sight of how it is natural to be imperfect! It is wonderful to learn and grow!

Recently I found myself not being my truest best self. I was choosing to be stuck, to wallow in the past and resent what I can no longer have. Due, to that I missed the wonderful opportunity to have something new and better. When I awoke from the slumber I was in I was completely ashamed. I felt like it was over! “I will no longer be able to receive those blessings.”(Say in a dramatic voice and  cue an over the top sigh). Boy oh boy was I wrong. Here is how I stopped being stuck:

  1. Remember, blessings are not limited! Just because I might have missed good opportunities to see great things and cherish wonderful people because I was stuck in the past does not mean that there won’t be other opportunities! God wants to bless us! He wants to shower us!
  2. Take time to rejoice! You did it! You overcame something excruciating! You are becoming your best self each day. Be proud of yourself. You can overcome hard things. To move on I had to remember to be proud of each little step that I made towards my goal. I had to be proud of every millimeter of growth.
  3. Remember, remember, remember the atonement. This is the most important! Christ died for me, for all of us because we were and are going to sin. Most of all because He loves us! The atonement let’s us repent and to have a change of heart. Due to this, we do not have to be stuck. We are free!! Free, to be happy, free to move on, free to have a change of heart, and free to learn from our mistakes. Free to shine!
  4. Move on and shine! What helped me to move on was realizing that the sky isn’t falling and that I will always have opportunities to grow. So I decided that I am going to learn from my mistakes and look at the world in a whole light! And I am going to be happy! I am happy because today is a new day, I don’t have to be stuck, I do not have to worry about limited blessing or opportunities, and I do not have to worry because through the atonement I can become my best self. Even if it means through trial and error. No pain no gain, am I right?! Because of that I am going to shine! You can shine too because I know that no matter the heartache or the mistake there’s comfort through the atonement.

Good Luck! And welcome to the club of being happy with being imperfect! Now let’s move forward and shine!



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